About the Coalition

“It’s time to make a difference!” And that’s just what the Veterans Coalition of Coral Springs is striving to do. The Veterans Coalition, which is just getting its ‘sea legs’ is a unique and first of its kind organization. Simply put, it is a community veterans group formed to serve veterans and their families in Coral Springs and surrounding communities. As stated in our mission statement, we are “veterans serving veterans and their families.” The word “coalition” was specifically chosen because we are a community coalition of all branches of the military services – Coast Guard, Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Army. In addition, we are a coalition of all eras of military service – World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the current War on Terrorism. Moreover, we are a coalition that includes spouses, descendants, widows, widowers of veterans and volunteers who want to help make a difference. William (Bill) Vasquez, a Founder of the Coalition, said “Our coalition is not for any single group of veterans alone; we want service members of all ages and services to be part of this group. “It is open to any military veteran who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.”

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